Saturday, August 2, 2008


Ahhh, I haven’t done a good miscellany post in awhile.

Truth be told, I’ve never done a good miscellany post…

(BA HA HA! That never gets old!)

So I’ve truly got nothing. I’ve been a slacker the last two days. Thursday, I had no intention of waking up early, opting instead to stay in bed and nurse my slight hangover. Friday, I had good intentions to weight train. Truly. I woke up at 6:30 and decided I could stay in bed for 15 more minutes. The next thing I knew, it was 8:00 and I was scrambling to get ready for work.

Damn. Fortunately, I was able to fit a run in this morning. Scouter is a good man. I did my hilly mountain route which is brutal as punishment for being such a slacker this week. The first ¾ of a mile is uphill. As I was running, a woman on a bike pulled out in front of me and I was keeping pace with her. That’s pretty sad considering I was at a 12 minute mile pace, trying not to have a heart attack during my warm up. Shortly thereafter, I passed a man who was shuffling along. “You’re more of a man than me,” he said. Hmmm. About a mile later, I was on another big hill when I passed a guy walking his dog. He said, “That’s quite a hill.” “It’s kicking my butt!” I panted back. I’m not sure how far I ran because my Garmin tracks this route differently every time – I’ll have to drive it one of these days because I really want to know.

Otherwise, I’m looking forward to getting some sleep this weekend! Those old sayings about burning your candle at both ends and meeting yourself coming back sound hauntingly familiar to me about now. Methinks I am overcommitted.

July was supposedly a break from school but somehow I did not notice any extra time, particularly since we had two books to read. One, The World Is Flat version 2.0, is pretty good but very long (and repetitive). The other is some book on IT security that bores me to death just to look at the cover. This semester is going to be difficult for me. It is the most outside of my experience and interests. Therefore it is likely the one I need the most.

The big excitement in my life about now is all about new appliances. My parents gave us a gas grill which I am totally loving. This weekend, I’m trying new recipes for grilled chicken with mustard sauce and flank steak with a red wine marinade. Yum. We’re also getting a new washer and dryer this weekend and I couldn’t be happier. Laundry has been a pain in the patootie for the last few months and has involved me hauling clothes, sheets and towels all over the place. They’re being delivered today – yippee!

Rainbow is well again and so far (knock on wood), no one else has gotten ill. Hopefully any incubation period has passed.

Oh, I somehow managed to commit myself to a golf tournament through work. They were looking for women to get the advantage of the red tees, and I stupidly said that I play a little. Actually what I said is that I suck but apparently that’s good enough for this crew. So now I’m nervous that I’m going to totally humiliate myself in front of my co-workers. I’ve got to get out on the course and practice practice practice! In my copious free time, you know.

Feeling overwhelmed…

Perhaps it is time to mix up another batch of alcohol infused fruit…


Anonymous said...

I have no doubt you'll get everything done. You always do and you're quite amazing at it! Just remember to throw some fun in. JenniferS

Annn said...

Did some one say alcohol infused fruit?

IMFL sounds pretty good when compared to stinky old golf.

wink wink nudge nudge

Unknown said...

When are we riding Coatsville?

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

I just found your blog on BlogHer and I'm so excited to read more!