Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lessons Learned

We are, sadly, at the end of our annual week of vacation in the Hamptons with my college roommate and her family. We've had a blast, as always, and while you wait patiently for a full trip report, here are some lessons I've learned this week (some more painfully than others):

1. Stop after two martinis. Three are a really bad idea.
2. Happy hours that start at 3 p.m. are a bad idea as well.
3. Hot dogs for breakfast are very entertaining for kids.
4. Running, cramping, and hangover(ing) all suck individually but combined result in a death march.
5. When I'm not training for a race, I'm extremely unmotivated to exercise on vacation. That one's a shocker, eh?
6. Taboo is a fun cocktail game and the clues get very creative as time goes on.
7. My college roommate is still one of the coolest girls I've ever met.
8. Wine with lunch leads directly to an afternoon nap.
9. Trips planned at midnight will probably never happen.
10. Karaoke songs played back the next morning are still hysterically funny to the adults but the kids think it's a little weird.

Insightful, aren't I?


margo said...

oh that sounds like SO much fun!!!

Bree at Clarity Defined said...

Taboo and cocktails... I'm so nostalgic for college now.

TriGirl 40 said...

Now that sounds like a fabulous vacation! Can't wait to read the full report.

mommy to 2, feels like 4. said...

It sounds like a wonderful week!