Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Let's Ride!

I’ve been coordinating 6 a.m. bike rides throughout the summer. While my email distribution list is long, there haven’t been many takers. Typically, only one person joins me. It’s been fun to ride with different people throughout the summer. On the peak ride (so far), there were five of us which was a blast.

Yesterday, TriGirls Amy and Jennifer joined me. As usual, I cursed profusely when the alarm clock went off and it was still pitch black outside. Why oh why do I do this to myself, I wondered. Then my stomach blobbed over my pajamas as I got out of bed and I was quickly reminded of one good reason.

As I got all my stuff together and headed out the door, I was surprised that it was foggy and sprinkling a bit. I hadn’t communicated an inclement weather plan and Jennifer was traveling a long way to ride so I figured I’d better go anyway. The fog increased significantly as I was driving and I definitely thought there would be no ride. Starbucks was sounding really good to me… assuming it is even open that early. But as I got closer to West Creek, the fog lessened. Hmm, maybe.

No one else appeared to be questioning whether to ride or not, so I got myself together, managed to pump my tires without giving myself a flat, and off we went. The fog was intermittent but not too bad along River Road. We had limited time so we rode out 30 minutes and then turned around at Parham to come back. Somehow I ended up in the lead – age before beauty I guess – and I could hear J and Amy talking and laughing some behind me. River is a little busy so it’s not a great chatting route but it is a fun ride. There are a few reasonably challenging uphills and therefore some fun dive-bomb downhills. In total, we rode a tad over 17 miles at 17.3 mph average.

And that’s when I remembered why I get up so early to ride. What a fabulous way to start the day. I can’t wait to do it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me too! Wish you were going to be around this coming Monday, but have a great vacation! JenniferS