Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mighty Stupid

I am terrified about the Half Iron I foolishly registered for, just 14 short weeks away. Actually slightly less.

Seriously, when I signed up I had 22 weeks to train. And then I blinked.

Also during that time, I helped Scouter move a table. A thick, very heavy wooden table. Which was flipped over with the base on the ground, so we had to lift if from our feet. It was way too heavy for me. When I lifted it, I felt it in my lower back. Then we put it in the truck, took it back out, put it back on the ground to re-attach the legs, and flipped it. I felt every single move in my lower back.

But I didn't stop training. I kept running and biking. And sometimes, if I stretched really really well afterwards, I wasn't miserable.

And then a couple weeks ago, I biked on Saturday in aero the whole time. I stretched really well and felt pretty good afterwards. On Sunday, I woke up feeling a little stiff but not too bad. Until I bent over to put socks on, at which point my back complained loudly and tightened up. Not learning my lesson, I leaned over a few minutes later to pull paper out of the Dutch's mouth. Damn dog. My back really locked up.

Being the brilliant girl I am, I ran anyway thinking maybe it would loosen up.

My run was a death march. It was very hot and humid. I walked a little every half mile and kept thinking I was going to throw up. But on the bright side, my back felt okay.

Until I got home, at which point my back apparently decided that it was going to show me who's boss once and for all. It completely locked. I spent the next few hours on the couch with ice packs, chugging Advil.

That's when I finally realized that perhaps I needed to see a doctor. I made an appointment with Annnnnn and Jenbo's famous Dr. Z, a chiropractor I've been seeing 2-3 times a week since. He told me not to run until I am pain-free.

One would think that I would use this opportunity to swim, which Dr. Z repeatedly tells me is a great activity for back pain.

One would be wrong.


TriGirl 40 said...

You have a high pain tolerance, strong base and great fitness level. MM is months away - resting/dealing with what is going on now is no biggie vs. risking a worsening injury.

Unknown said...

Listen to DB - she's the one that got you into all of this nonsense :)

But seriously, take care of yourself. 14 weeks is plenty of time.

Annn said...

NO NO NO! Skip your relaxing vacation this weekend and come bike and run and run and bike with me!!!!