Monday, November 2, 2009

Mommy of the Year

Rainbow's favorite game right now is "Would you rather?" and like a dumbass I bought her a book of them.

She just asked me, "Would you rather be able to hear only women talk or slowly turn into a salmon after age 60?"

She picked the salmon.

However, I picked only hearing women talk.

As soon as I justified my choice by saying I'd never have to hear Daddy and Taz argue again, she immediately changed her answer.

Another question was something like, "Would you rather eat chocolate every day of your life or be able to switch faces with anyone?"

She picked switching faces and I asked why. "So I could switch faces with you!" she exclaimed.

I told her she can just wait 35 years and that particular selection will come true.

She leaned forward and stared at me intently for several minutes. And then she settled back into her chair, slowly shook her head - and changed her answer.

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