Friday, July 17, 2009

Hanging with Fast Crowd

I had such a fun workout week. Even though I ran twice.


And what terrible runs they were, by the way. Three torturous miles in the mountains on Sunday and four early and hot miles on Thursday. And both times, my calves were very tight and sore afterwards.

Anyway. Thank goodness for the bike!

Monday, I rode with my school bud Dave who recently bought a bike and is already kicking my butt. He's ridden with me and some TriGirls a few times, which apparently inspired him to invite some other guys along for the ride. This week, it was me and three speedsters. One of the guys who rode with us rode again the next night and averaged over 22 mph. We did 18 miles at I think 17.7 mph in Goochland. It was hot but still fun, especially bombing down the last big hill near Capital One.

Wednesday, TG40, Kathryn, and Dave met me to ride the Power Sprint loop plus a few extra miles. As we started riding, I realized that I was the slowest one in the group and so I decided to go balls to the wall. I probably should have mentioned that to someone but instead I just took off. Of course Dave was glued to my wheel, while TG40 and Kathryn were chatting. We hit the six mile point and then veered off the race route to ride three more miles of rolling hills. As we turned around, I asked Dave to pull me back. He obliged by quickly zooming in front and then almost immediately dropping me going up a hill. Damn! We zipped through the rest of the ride and finished at my fastest non-race pace ever, 18.9 mph. I was thrilled!

I wish I could ride again this weekend but sadly I'm going to have to make do with a run. At least that's the plan... Please hold me accountable!

1 comment:

TriGirl 40 said...

What a great ride! I have to admit, your pacing really woke me up from a groggy 5ish am wake up! Looking forward to many more in about 2-3 weeks!