Saturday, December 27, 2008

Coming Soon to a Stadium Near You...

"Santa" cheated this year.

Don't just take my word for it - consider the evidence for yourself.

The kids got Guitar Hero World Tour (the one with the guitar, drum kit and microphone) and a charger station for Christmas. They never asked for either. And who has been playing it incessantly since we hooked it up last night? Who kept the kids up until after 11 last night to play "just one more song?"

You guessed it... that jolly old elf himself.

Tonight while I was making dinner, I heard my sweet baby girl screaming "NO... SLEEP... TIL BROOKLYN!!!" into the mic. Taz had lead guitar and Scouter was on drums as the Beastie Boys rocked the house.

So of course I had to join. Rainbow hit the "No sleep til Brooklyn" parts and I rapped out the rest.

So much fun...

In retrospect, I think Scouter should do the shopping every year!


TriGirl 40 said...

LOL. Take pictures of the TriDi band! Merry Christmas!

Annn said...

We got Rockband, and we will so take your family on.