Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mommy - ah make that Daddy - of the Year

Today Taz and I were having a chat while he ate lunch.

"Mommy, I know the 's' cuss," he announced.

"Really?" I replied noncommittally.

"Yep." And then responding to demands from his sister, he elaborated, "It starts with SH and rhymes with spit."

She was fascinated and tried several combinations before she got it right. He was so proud.

"I also know the 'f' cuss," he announced next. "Not the 'f-u' one but the other one."

I admit to being a bit puzzled. What's the other 'f' cuss? I wondered.

Apparently Taz couldn't stand the wait while I processed. "Mom, it's friggin," he said. Then he elaborated. "I know the 'b' cuss and the 'd' cuss too. My friend on the bus says there are two 'b' cusses but I think he's wrong."

I had to think for a minute to come up with two 'b' cusses, but I kept them to myself. Clearly his vocabulary of profanity is more well developed than mine. "Really?" I inquired. "And have you learned all these bad words on the bus?"

"NAH!" Taz responded.

"Where then?" I asked.

He cocked his head and looked at me as though the answer were obvious, and then he said, "From Dad. DUH. He says them all the time."


Annn said...

That is friggin' AWESOME.

TriGirl 40 said...

LOL. Your kids totally crack me up.