Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hokie Nation

I love that term "Hokie Nation." The support from fans of normally competing schools and the general outpouring of love towards the students and families involved from across the nation - the world even - have been phenomenal.

Richmond's very own Disco Sports is screen printing Hokie Nation tee shirts today. I left an order over voice mail and hope we get one (or more). Scouter is going by there today. Many local stores have sold out of their Tech wear. We are supplying as many friends and neighbors as we can with VT clothing, and it is heart-warming to see how many people want to support the Hokie Hope orange and maroon campaign tomorrow.

I hope to God that the response to this madness is not copycat activity. I'm so torn between my horror over the publicity this freak Cho is getting with his video package - shockingly sent to NBC in between murder sprees at AJ and Norris - and my desire to understand why. Not that there is any response that would be fathomable. If you need help, get it. If you truly believe you should no longer be on this earth, don't take innocent bystanders out with you.

Clearly I'm hitting the anger stage of grief... Well, not really. Just a little tirade. I had tears mixing in with sweat as I ran around my neighborhood this morning (ah, there's a little triathlon related bit) and saw Tech flags, orange and maroon bows on mailboxes, kids at bus stops wearing Tech clothing, and other signs of support.

I read a blog yesterday that really touched me - Ironman Life talks about (and I'm seriously paraphrasing here) how if for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, then the counter balance to death is life lived more fully.

Maybe the reaction will be more love among humanity through shared grief - certainly that is what is happening now. Perhaps more help for people on the fringes with mental illness, maybe more understanding. And maybe individually, a life more fully lived, moments more fully enjoyed, love more freely shared.

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